Nền tảng Vận tải thông minh
We provide many optimization models for smart transportation with:
- [STSP-RA]: Phân bổ tài nguyên
- [STSP-LG]: Quản lý logistic
- [STSP-RT]: Chiến lược định tuyến
[stsp-ra][1]: Optimal resource of vehicle types
How many of each type of van should be purchased to maximize number of served passengers.
[stsp-ra][2]: Minimizing transportation cost
How many units should be transported from each factory to each deplot in order that the cost of transportation plan is minimum?
[stsp-ra][3]: A vehicle mix problem with maximum vehicle numbers
To move a maximum amount of cubic meters, what mix of Mack and Mercedes vehicles should the commanding officer choose?
[stsp-ra][4]: Bus allocation for minimizing oil consumption
How many buses should be assigned to each route for minimizing the oil consumption?
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[stsp-lg][1]: Minimize the number of trucks for package transportation
How many trucks is the minimum number needed for shipping all packages from the warehouse to three areas within a given number of days?
[stsp-lg][2]: Minimize transportation time in Logistic
What is the minimum transportation time for shipping all packages from the warehouse to three areas with a given number of trucks in company?
[stsp-lg][3]: Choosing locations for new plants
Find the locations for 3 new assembly plants to minimize the delivery cost.
[stsp-lg][4]: Airport taxiway optimization
Designing a smart schedule to minimize taxi distance can not only reduce the moving duration of airplanes, but also reduce the cost of energy consumption.
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Phát triển ODMO

Sửa đổi mô hình
Develop your model from ODMO library

Phát triển mô hình
Develop your model from ODMO fields

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